Ichiro, The Stacked Collection!

  • Player: Suzuki, Ichiro
  • Sport: Baseball
  • Registry Type: Master
  • # of possible cards in registry: 71442
  • Highest attainable point total: 721564.2
  • Stackable : Yes
  • Registry Owner: bruceku

Registry Description

Stacked version complementing the "Ichiro, A Collection Like No Other!"
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  • promodeltodd
    03-19-2023 at 19:41:03

    I have seen Bruce at the top from the beginning. This is the first time I have opened up this amazing registry to look at all the cards. What an accomplishment. What a collection!

  • jeffv96masters
    06-27-2017 at 11:27:59

    Bruce outstanding accomplishment well done !!!

  • greco827
    07-29-2015 at 21:23:47

